Source With Purpose

Driving Supply Chain Sustainability through Source with Purpose

HSM prioritizes responsible, sustainable and inclusive sourcing to preserve and uplift environments and communities of the world through Source with Purpose, our global strategy to advance positive impact across supply chains. Click here to learn more.

Promoting Human Rights And Animal Welfare

We practice human rights watchfulness, screening every supplier for environmental and social risk and training our procurement teams on the threats of modern slavery in labor sourcing.

And to help protect our planet and its animals, HSM invests in sustainable seafood, cage-free eggs and sustainably sourced meat, poultry, produce and cotton for properties around the globe, collaborating with top- suppliers that share our focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing. We also partnered with the World Wildlife Fund to create a procurement strategy that protects endangered species.

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Reducing Energy Costs, Carbon Footprints

In addition to providing renewable energy and related utilities programs for our properties, HSM offers cost-competitive energy procurement and management services, as well as energy products, such as HVAC, PTAC and thermostats, lighting controls and electrical supplies, electric vehicle charging and building automation systems.

Teaming Up On Corporate Responsibility

To accomplish our aggressive Travel with Purpose 2030 objectives, we are aligning with manufacturers, distributors and suppliers who are equally committed in their resolve to protect and preserve our planet’s finite resources. From fellow global corporations to family-owned small businesses, HSM partners across our supply chain are contributing to a more sustainable world and helping to redefine sustainable travel both within, and beyond, the hospitality industry.

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Download our Sustainability one-sheet to read more about how HSM is redefining sustainable practices across the supply chain..

Want to source more responsibly?

Connect with HSM today for a greener tomorrow.
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“HSM recognizes that with the power and breadth of our procurement program, we have a responsibility to our planet and the communities we serve. Through initiatives like recycling and waste reduction, we seek to have a positive impact on the environment.”

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